Mo (value)


Clients hire you because they want value from you. They want the results you deliver via your legal services, but there are other ways you can give them value. 

Give them more value than they expect, more value than other lawyers deliver.

This doesn’t mean giving away your core services or discounting your fees. (Don’t do that). 

You can deliver more value with

  • Bonus services. Include add-ons or small additional services they need or might need soon. 
  • Better terms. Payment plans, guarantees, more manageable retainers, hybrid fees.
  • Information. Forms, guides, reports, templates, checklists, seminars, and other things they can use in their business or personal life.
  • Speed. If possible, give them the results they seek in less time than they think it will take. Return calls and emails quicker. Show them into your waiting room a few minutes after they arrive.
  • Support. Proactively refer them to other professionals or businesses who can help them with business or personal matters. Promote their business, their charity or cause. Give them advice, feedback, or a shoulder to cry on. 

Ultimately, clients want to feel good about their decision to hire you. They took a chance on you and may be nervous about that. Show them you will protect them, work hard for them, and treat them exceptionally well. 

The more value you deliver, the more value they will deliver to you. They’ll be easier to work with, give you more work, recommend you, promote your events, and otherwise help your practice grow. 

The Attorney Marketing Formula


The case is closed; your relationship isn’t


You finish the case and send the client a letter explaining that the case is closed. You tell them what happened, what to expect, how to get their documents, and so on, and thank them for allowing you to represent them. 

Your letter allows you to protect yourself, in much the way a letter declining representation does, and provides other benefits. This article does a good job explaining these benefits, the risks for not sending one, and a description of what should go in your letter.

But I write about marketing and would be remiss if I didn’t point out how your closing letter (or a secondary letter or document) can bring you more business and solidify your relationship with the client. 

What should you say that speaks to that subject? That depends on your practice area, your relationship with the client, and other factors, but here are some options to consider:  

  • Thank you again for choosing me/your firm, how they helped make your job easier (with examples), and how you enjoyed getting to know (and work with) them and their team, partners or family
  • A summary of the steps you took during the pendency of the case, or a recap of what you’ve previously sent them, so they can see how much you did to earn your fee
  • If the case was lost or the result was disappointing, some perspective about that
  • A request to fill out a survey about their level of satisfaction with the work you did and how you treated them
  • A request to leave a review and instructions about how and where to do that; copies of (or links to) reviews by other clients as examples
  • A list of your other practice areas, a description of how to recognize when they might need them, and (optionally) an offer for a free consultation or special offer
  • Asking them to contact you about any future legal issue because you know a lot of good lawyers who handle things you don’t handle
  • A request to share your report, presentation, brochure, business card, web page, etc. with people who might need or want information about a legal issue and how you can help them
  • A request for referrals and details about what to say and do to make it easier for them and the people they refer
  • Telling them you will continue to send them information they can use in their business or personal life (and/or requesting them to sign up for your newsletter) 

And then, in a couple of weeks, call them to see if they got this letter, if they have questions, and to once again thank them for choosing you as their attorney. 

The case has ended; the relationship continues. 


Yes, it is all about you


People connect with people, not businesses or law firms. Your clients may like your partners or employees and think highly of your firm’s reputation, but they hire and refer you. 

That’s true of consumer and business clients alike. 

When they have a friend or business contact with a legal situation or question, your clients tell them about YOU, not your firm. 

They hand them your card. Tell them about their experience with you, the lawyer they know, like, and trust, and say, “Call my lawyer” — not, “Call me firm”. 

They promote your brand. You should too.  

Tweet (or whatever it’s called today) in your name, or at least create a handle that includes a version of your name, NOT your firm. 

Promote your speaking events, even if your firm is conducting the event. Write articles and keep a blog with your byline, not the faceless entity you call your employer (even if it’s your firm). 

When you are introduced, people should hear about you, your capabilities and your accomplishments. And hear something personal about you.

Because you are the one people will talk to, connect with, hire and refer.

It’s all about you, you stud. 

You may work for the biggest and best firm in town, and that’s worth mentioning. But you are the main attraction, no matter how wet behind the ears you may be. 

It’s your career. Your name and reputation. They are your clients. And you are their attorney. 


Do you care about your clients?


I see a doctor who is well regarded in her field, technically skilled (at least as far as I can tell) but severely lacking in bedside manner. She tells me what to do but doesn’t explain why or solicit questions. If I ask, she’ll answer but oh-so-briefly and (it seems) begrudgingly. 

She makes me feel like she doesn’t care about me. Like I’m just a billing code to tick off on her way to her next patient. 

I get that she has to see so many patients a day and doesn’t have time to chat. But that’s part of the job.

It wouldn’t take much. Asking how I’m doing (besides medically), telling me she’s happy when I tell her I’m doing better, an occasional smile or light moment, or even mentioning the crazy heat we’ve been having—you know, the kinds of things humans do when they want other people to feel like you give a fig. 

Why don’t I leave? Because I’m a big boy and can take it, and because it would be inconvenient to have to find someone new, especially since I’m almost done with my treatment. 

But I do think about it. A lot. 

So, I stay. But would I return? Recommend her? Probably not. And if I was writing a review, I’d write what I just told you.

I know she may be under a lot of pressure and may have problems of her own. It doesn’t matter. Patient care is a crucial part of her job.

She may actually care about her patients. But unless she makes them (us) feel like she does, she’s not doing her job. Or doing herself any good.

Lawyers have the same challenge, of course. Making the people we serve feel like we care about them. 

So simple. And some of the most effective marketing a professional can do. 

Here’s the formula


Your best marketing investment


Your clients can fire you at any time and for any reason. And they might. Today could be the day they say Sayonara. And tell everyone they know that you’re a bum.

You need to be on your toes. Never take your clients for granted. Follow up like crazy. Give them the benefit of the doubt. 

Not just to protect yourself, but because client retention is the key to long-term success. 

Getting new clients is profitable. Keeping clients is far more profitable because it creates equity in your future.

It starts with how you think about marketing in general, and clients in particular. Think “clients,” not “cases”. “Relationships” not “transactions”. 

Cases are a one-time thing. Clients are for life. At least that’s how you should look at them and why you should continue to invest in your client relationships. 

You began investing when you attracted them, helped them believe in a better future, and worked hard to deliver. In return, they gave you their trust, and as long as you don’t do anything to lose it, will reward you with repeat business, referrals, introductions, and positive reviews.

As a result, you won’t have to scramble to find clients, spend a fortune on ads, or do things you don’t want to do.

When you invest in your clients, you invest in your future.


How to get more (and better) reviews


One of the most powerful tools you can use in your marketing is third-party validation of your work. You get more clients and better clients when other clients describe their positive experience with you. 

It is (marketing) law. 

But your clients are busy and don’t provide reviews or testimonials as often as they could, or as often you’d like. What can you do? 

One of the simplest things you can do is survey your clients, to find out what they like about you and your services (and also what they don’t like because you need to know that, too). 

Then, when a client fills out a survey and says nice things about you, thank them and ask if they would post their words on a review site you tell them about, or let you use their words as a testimonial. 

Tell them they can do that anonymously if they prefer, i.e., initials or first name/last initial only. Yes, full names are better, but a review with initials only is better than no review. 

Tell them how much you appreciate their providing a review, and how much other people will benefit by seeing it. 

 Get them to commit to doing it, help them if they need help, and thank them again. 

What do I mean by “if they need help”? I mean, if they struggle to put their story into words, or what they write isn’t as clear or specific or interesting as you’d like, rewrite their review for them.

Don’t change anything material. Clean it up, flesh it out, and make it easier to read. You’re saving them time and making them look good. You should find that most clients appreciate that help. 

You can do the same thing when a client thanks you or pays you a compliment over the phone or in person. Write down what they say, clean it up a bit, and send it to them, along with a request to post it or let you use it in your marketing materials.

Simple and effective. 

What else can you do? 

Every new client, in their “new client kit,” should get a list of review sites you recommend, along with a sampling of reviews you’ve received from other clients. Not only will this help them feel good about their decision to hire you, it will also make it easier and more likely to get reviews from them later.  

Finally, always send a thank you note. Tell the client (again) how much you appreciate their kind words and how it helps other clients find the help they need. If the client was referred to you, send a copy of their review, along with a thank you note, to the referring party. 

Showing them they made a good decision to refer their client or friend to you makes it more likely they will refer again. 

The Attorney Marketing Formula


It’s an investment, not an expense


Yesterday, I talked about following up with prospects and clients before, during, and after the case or engagement. Most lawyers get it. But many lawyers don’t do it because it takes a lot of time. 

I say it’s worth the time because it helps you get new business, keep clients from leaving, and generate positive reviews that can multiply that effect.  

But (surprise) lawyers are busy. Even if they want to do it, it’s too easy to let it slide. 

I mentioned having an assistant do it. Have them make the calls, send the emails, and otherwise manage follow up and other marketing activities for you. Yes, there is a cost, just as there is a cost to you if you handle this function yourself. If you take an employee away from their other work, that work might fall through cracks and cause problems. 

I say it’s worth the risk because the benefits outweigh that cost. Especially if you have a reasonable volume of cases or clients. 

Think about it. Do the math. If you hire someone part time and pay them $4000 per month, and they’re able to save one case or client per month or get one client to return, your costs would be covered, wouldn’t they? And if that assistant is able to stimulate clients to provide more reviews and more referrals, and this generates two additional cases (or saves) per month, you would double your investment. 

Over time, these numbers would compound.

You know I’m a big proponent of making referrals a primary marketing method for most attorneys. If you’ve read me for a while, you also know that you can stimulate referrals without explicitly talking to clients about the subject. But, let’s face it, talking to clients about referrals is a powerful way to get more of them. A lot more. 

If that’s not something you want to do, have your marketing assistant do it for you. 

I built my practice primarily with referral marketing. A key to making that happen was delegating as much as possible to assistants. 

It was an investment, not an expense. And it paid off in spades.

How to talk to clients about referrals


Mom likes you better


Some of your clients like you more than others. And because they do, they’re willing to do things for you that other clients won’t. 

They’re willing to provide a review or testimonial, and it will be a good one. They’re willing to fill out your survey, share your content, tell their friends about your upcoming event, send traffic to your website, and. . . send you referrals. Maybe lots of referrals. And introductions, too. And wit

Without being asked.

Your best clients give you more legal work, sure, but they also do other things that help you build your list and your practice. 

And they should be treated accordingly.

Give your best clients extra time and attention. Invite them to your “inner circle”. Give them bonuses, promote their business or cause, and give them personal time. 

Start by making a list of 10 to 30 of your “best of the best” clients. Keep that list in front of you, to remind you to give them extra attention. Once a week or so, call or write, send them an article, or just say hello. 

See how they’re doing, and what they need or want. And find ways to help them get it.

And we’re not talking about legal issues, necessarily. Maybe they need customers; you might do a profile of their business in your newsletter. Maybe they have a personal issue you have had some experience with and can offer advice. Maybe they have a child who is sick or injured and they need to hear someone tell them it will be okay. 

Talk to them, ask about them, and look for opportunities to help them, console them, support them, promote them, or inspire them. 

Yes, that takes time. What about the rest of your clients? 

Reserve 80% of your “client time” for your best clients and do it one-on-one. Allocate 20% of your client time for the rest of your clients, and give them time primarily “as a group” e.g., via your newsletter, and automate and/or delegate most of that time.

Treat your best clients the way they deserve. Your practice will thank you.

The Attorney Marketing Formula


Simply the best


You are the best in your field. The most talented, the most successful, the most dedicated to your clients. 

That’s why your clients hire you; that’s why prospective clients should do the same. 

Unfortunately, you can’t go around saying you’re the best. Even if it’s true. 

You want others to say this about you. Which is why you should do everything you can to obtain testimonials, positive reviews, and praiseworthy survey responses from your clients, and endorsements from prominent people (especially other lawyers).

It’s also why you should get yourself invited to be interviewed by centers of influence in your niche and be seen in their company. 

If you say you’re the best, people will doubt you. Maybe laugh at you. If your clients and others say you’re the best, it must be true. 

Not only does third party praise help you bring in more business, these kinds of comments give your clients a warm and fuzzy feeling knowing that they made a wise decision to hire you.

It also means you’ll attract higher-paying clients and a lot more referrals, because you’re not just competent, you’re the best. 

Don’t be shy about asking your clients for reviews and testimonials. If they’re happy campers, they should be happy to provide them. But you have to ask because they may not know how important this is to you.

And, while you’re collecting these, you can create the same effect by liberally adding client success stories to your articles, posts, presentations, and other content. That’s where you describe a client’s case or situation before they came to you and how you rescued them and made everything better. 

Set up a file to collect emails and quotes from people who say something nice about you. Thank them, tell them how much it means to you, and ask, “May I quote you?”

Happy clients are the foundation of a successful practice


Missed opportunity


My wife bought a cosmetic product she’d used before, and liked, but the doo-hickey to open the thing was defective. The next time she was at the market, my wife spoke to a sales clerk, showed her the problem, and asked for a replacement. 

The clerk said she’d had the same problem with that product and exchanged it. 

The thing is, when my wife got home, she had the same problem with the replacement. She couldn’t open it. 

She looked at the container, to see if there was something she was missing, and saw a toll-free number to call the manufacturer. They admitted they’d had this issue with that product and offered to send her another replacement.

Two days later, it arrived in the mail and it’s fine. 

The manufacturer did the right thing, didn’t they? They replaced the product, no questions asked.

They did the right thing, but they could have done more. 

They could have sent her two or three bottles instead of the one replacement. They could have given her some coupons. They could have enclosed a note apologizing for the inconvenience and thanking my wife for her patience and for her patronage. 

By not doing anything besides mailing a replacement, they missed the opportunity to surprise and delight my wife. 

Why do that? How would they benefit? 

By giving the customer more than they expect, they get a customer who won’t complain to others (or online) about the company’s defective packaging or tepid customer service, but instead, is likely to share her story about how well the company handled the situation. 

They’d get a customer who is likely to become a repeat customer, perhaps a lifetime customer, and possibly a “raving fan”. 

Which is something every business (and professional) wants to do. 

When something goes wrong in your practice, I’m sure you apologize to your client (even if it’s not your fault) and do what you can to make it right. 

That’s good. But making it better than right is even better.

Treating clients better than they expect is good for business
