Marketing Online For Attorneys: “Make the Phone Ring”

Marketing online for attorneys -- How to Make the Phone RingIf you want to get more good clients (and lots of them) you need, Make the Phone Ring: A Step-by-Step System for Attracting Good Clients.

This course shows you how to get prospective clients to find you, sell themselves on hiring you, and call for an appointment.

Automatically. Without any personal involvement from you.

This is the same system I use to attract clients to my website. Every day, it brings new subscribers for my newsletter, purchasers for my products, and clients for my services. I don’t have to find them, they find me. I don’t have to sell them on hiring me, they sell themselves.

Marketing online for attorneys is essential today because three out of four clients use the Internet to find attorneys at some point in the hiring process. They either begin their search online or hear about an attorney from some other source and go online to “check them out”.

When someone goes online to check YOU out, what do they find? Does your website show them why they should hire you instead of any other attorney?

If not, let me show you what to do.

Maybe your site does a spectacular job of persuading clients to hire you. When they go to your site, they call. That’s great. But are you getting enough people coming to your website every day?

If not, let me show you what to do.

Marketing Online for Attorneys Made Simple

The Internet is powerful but confusing. I wrote this course to demystify the process of marketing online for attorneys and show you how to (finally) get the results you want.

Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:

  • The ONE THING your website must do that 9 out of 10 attorneys’ websites DON’T do
  • The three BEST sources of web traffic (and all three are free)
  • How to get prospective clients to see YOU as the best lawyer for the job
  • How to pre-qualify and pre-sell website visitors so you don’t waste time with “freebie-seekers” 
  • How to get more clients to make (and keep) an appointment (and what to do if they’re not ready)
  • A simple way to use your website to get more referrals
  • Do you really need a blog and if so, how often do you need to post?
  • SEO made simple. How to come up on page one of Google, even if you have tons of competition
  • Three ways to use social media for marketing (but only if you want to)
  • My “website audit checklist”–how to make sure you have everything you need, in all the right places
  • How to build a big email list and use it to generate even more clients, referrals, and traffic
  • Hundreds of tips, ideas, and resources for creating all of the content you need

You don’t have to spend hours online to do this. I’ll show you how to do everything in a couple of hours a week.

Social media? Not that important, at least not with my system. So if it’s not your thing, don’t worry about it.

You don’t have to be tech savvy to do this. If I can do this, trust me, you can do this. Seriously.

Plus, you won’t have to spend a lot of money. My entire marketing budget is less than $200 a month.

If you don’t have a website, it’s time to get one. If you do have a website, but it’s not bringing you new clients every day, that’s all about to change.

Make the Phone Ring is 60,000 words of step-by-step training on attracting clients online. No more confusion. No more struggle. Follow my instructions and you will get more traffic and more good clients.

Make the Phone Ring is only $79 $59 for a limited time.

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Here’s what attorneys say about my programs:

As an update about the success I have had with [this technique], the 2nd client (and the one I thought would not use that approach) agreed to the plan. As a result of using this approach, I deposited over $60,000.00 since purchasing the cash flow for attorneys program. Wow!!

A few days later, I went 3 for 3. Last one agreed today and paid me. I put $75,000.00 in the bank in 2 weeks. I love it! — Jack Robinson, Texas

“I think your materials are great. I got a lot out of them. I started using one of your techniques but I got so many responses, my secretary was going crazy and made me stop! I’m going to hire a young lawyer to handle the extra work, so I can spend more time marketing. — Bernard H., MA

“I am one of your original subscribers. Last year was my biggest year ever. I moved about $2 million in PI cases across my desk. Most of those clients were retained using techniques you taught me. Not bad for a sole practitioner.

Your internet advice over the phone already saved me the price of your course and will make me a fortune in the future. As you know, there is a gold rush going on in the internet. Lawyers who hesitate will be left behind and broke. — John J. Schalter, MI

David, you were kind enough to offer a detailed, five-page critique of the networks I had been forming among other lawyers. You had asked me to keep you informed of my progress. I am happy to report that my first case resulted in a $10,000 fee within the first month! Much of what you said in your five-page letter proved prophetic. So far I have received 6 cases that I would not have otherwise had.–David Wright

I;m finding your program extremely helpful. In the first week of business on a part time basis, I have 3 new clients. —Jane K., LA

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Make the Phone Ring is divided into three modules:

Module One is “The 7 Unbreakable Laws of Attraction Marketing”. These principles are the foundation for the entire system. They show you how to attract people who need your services, get them to see you as the best attorney for the job, and get them to call you for an appointment.

Module Two is “The 4 Critical Systems for Generating Traffic, Leads, New Clients, Repeat Business, and Referrals.” These are detailed instructions for setting up and utilizing the tools and systems you need to get clients through the Internet and through referrals.

Module Three is your “Make the Phone Ring Action Plan”. This shows you how to put everything together, from scratch, and what to do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Right now, as you read this, thousands of people are online looking for an attorney who does what you do. Some will make a decision today and hire an attorney today.

Will it be you?

More recommendations

Your materials are unbelievably good! I should know. I used to be the marketing director of a 100,000 member association headquartered in Kansas City. We had a large marketing department and did all of our own creative, production, copywriting,  etc. I ran the whole show so my expertise has been in the marketing arena.

Having said that, let me tell you, your course taught me more about marketing legal services than the entire sum total of all the marketing research and reading I’ve done over the last decade. There’s something there for every attorney.

I project that your guidance will add an additional 2 to 3 clients a week. . . and at an average of fee of $1500 per client. . . well you do the math.

I thank you. . . my wife thanks you and my kids thank you. Oh yeah, like the commercial says. . . we’re going to Disneyworld. . .thanks to you.” —Bill H., KS

I have never seen such a collection of relevant secrets and pragmatic ideas on how to build a law practice. I had always assumed that successful lawyers either: (1) never gave away their secrets; or (2) did something unethical to obtain their clients. The fact that you would even consider sharing the secrets of your success says a lot about your character.

[T]here are a lot of struggling lawyers that I have attempted to help over the years. So many drop out of the profession and change careers because they can’t make a living practicing law. You may never hear about all the careers you have saved. You will never know all the good you have done.” —David W.,TX

“[My three partners and I] were very happy with what we received. A lot of thought and energy appears to have gone into the program. It was good to see more subtle approaches that appear to fit our firm’s nature. We expect to quadruple our income by the end of the year! Seriously, we are quite busy and have for the first time hired an associate.” —Robb K., Chicago, IL

“The marketing approach is a very practical one. [You] provide concrete suggestions suitable for a wide variety of legal practices.” —Vera B., FL

How refreshing to finally find marketing advice from someone who understands the legal profession. I had become frustrated with my current marketing advisors or a generic approach and it is already apparent that your advice will be much more helpful.” —Alice K., CA

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