Why you don’t have to be better than your competition


Are you are a better lawyer than your competition? Maybe, maybe not. Guess what? It doesn’t matter because most clients can’t tell the difference.

When was the last time you heard something like,

  • “Wow, great motion you wrote there!”
  • “Nobody takes a deposition like you,” or
  • “You are so much smarter than my last attorney. . .”

If you are a better lawyer, and you can prove it, great. But marketing legend, Dan Kennedy, says, “It’s better to be different than it is to be better.”

People notice different. People remember different. People are attracted to different.

You can build a strong marketing message around what makes you different from other lawyers. It could be as simple as telling your story. Your legal services may be identical to what other lawyers offer but you are unique.

Incorporate your background, your outside interests, or your personality into your marketing message. That message will show people how you are different.

There are other ways you can be different: who you represent, the added value you deliver, a performance guarantee, or alternative fee arrangements, to name a few.

Your challenge is not to prove that you are a better lawyer, but to distinguish yourself from other lawyers.

If you are better and you can prove it, great. But you don’t have to better, just different.
