No list, no problem


What can you do if you want to get your name in front of prospective clients but you don’t have a list?

What can you do if you want to start a newsletter, blog, or video channel but you don’t have a list?

What can you do if you want to speak to groups of prospective clients but you don’t have a list?

The answer is simple. Find people who have a list and align yourself with them.

Ask yourself, “Who has access to the community I want to get in front of?” Find out what they do, what they want, and how you can help them.

You might:

  • Offer to write a guest post for their blog or newsletter
  • Offer to speak to their group
  • Offer a free workshop for their members
  • Offer to send your report or ebook to their readers or listeners
  • Offer a free consultation to their clients
  • Introduce them to other influential people in your niche
  • Share their content, promote their event or offers
  • Ask to interview them for your newsletter, blog or podcast

Help them and/or their clients; in time, they’ll help you.

They’ll share your content and byline and a link to your site. They’ll introduce you to their clients and counterparts. They’ll help you get in front of the people on their list, some of whom will sign up for yours.

But don’t try to figure it all out. Find them, meet them, help them, and good things will happen.

This will help
