80 percent of client relations is just two things


Ah, client relations. The key to repeat business and referrals.

The key to fewer complaints and better reviews.

The key to lower marketing costs and higher profits.

And 80 percent of it just two simple things.

The first one: be nice.

Treat your clients with respect, do what you said you would do, bill on time, and show them you care about them as individuals and not just as a source of income.

Treat them the way you’d like to be treated if your roles were reversed.

See, I told you it was simple.

The second: stay in touch. Also simple.

While you’re handling the case or matter, keep them informed. Send copies of everything, explain everything, and show them everything you’re doing for them.

Between cases or matters, stay in touch via email at least, to strengthen your relationship and show them what else you can do for them or for people they know.

And, that’s it.

You know what? That’s not 80 percent of client relations; it’s probably 90 percent. Maybe more.

And so simple even a lawyer can do it.

Email is the best way to stay in touch. Here’s how to do it right
