It’s 10 am; time to pet the cat


Gary Vaynerchuk famously schedules his entire day, down to the minute. In between meetings, which can be as short as 3 minutes, he makes calls, fires off posts on social networks, and records short videos.

The dude is busy.

Cal Newport, computer science professor and author, also plans his entire work day. He says we should all do the same.

Although I’m on board with the idea of “time blocking” and do it to some extent, as I’ve written before, the idea of scheduling my entire day, down to the minute, makes me want to scream.

I schedule meetings and appointments. I block out 30 minutes or an hour for certain activities (returning calls, catching up on email), and longer blocks of time for what Newport calls “deep work”–when I’m working on a big writing project, for example.

Scheduling everything just doesn’t work for me.

Or, maybe I just tell myself that. Maybe I should try it, before saying “it’s not for me”.


Anyway, a new study says that if we want to be happy, one thing we shouldn’t schedule is our leisure activities.

“When a leisure activity is planned rather than spontaneous, we enjoy it less,” say the authors of the study. The reason? When it’s planned, “it becomes a part of our to-do list”.

I don’t know about this one. Since when is going to a movie a chore?

I know that when Cal Newport’s work is done for the day he has lots of free time for his family and fun. I’m not sure if he schedules specific leisure activities, however.

Gary Vee? I don’t think he ever stops working, but if he does, whatever he does for fun is probably on his damn calendar.

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