What gets scheduled gets done


My “read/review” backlog of articles, websites, videos, ebooks, pdfs, et. al., has gotten out of hand. Too many items. I’ll never get caught up.

I think that’s okay. Maybe what’s important floats to the top of my subconscious and gets my attention and everything else is merely digital compost.

And yet, I’m plagued by FOMO–Fear Of Missing Out. That nagging feeling that I’m missing something important. So, rather than going through “the stacks” whenever I “find the time,” or “I feel like it” I’m going to schedule the time to do it.

Because what gets scheduled gets done.

As I said yesterday, you can get a lot done in a few minutes a day if you do it every day.

Hold on. Be right back. Okay, I did it. I scheduled a 15-minute recurring “appointment” on my calendar, weekdays at 4 pm (when my energy is lower) to catch up on my reading and reviewing.

We’ll see how it goes.

I might wind up changing the start time. I might cut the appointment to 10 minutes or extend it to 20. I might have to add a nap to my schedule.

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