A simple way to make a good first impression


If I could recommend only one book on the keys to success, it would be "How to Win Friends & Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. It is a classic, a masterpiece of simple, effective advice for getting people to like you.

Mr. Carnegie’s second of six keys is this:


When we smile, there is a chemical reaction in our brains that makes us good. Try it! Even if you don’t feel like smiling right now, do it anyway and take note of how it makes you feel.

When we smile at people, they tend to smile back at us. It is a natural human reaction. Our smile says "I like you" and people like people who like them, so they smile back. And they feel good when they do, and associate that feeling with their perception of you.

The more you smile, the better you feel and the more people will like you. This is clear. So why is it that people don’t smile more often? One reason is they don’t like their teeth. They may be discolored or crooked or there may be gaps or missing teeth. If your teeth need work or aren’t as white as they used to be, it’s hurting your business and probably your social life, too. Get them fixed, make them whiter, and SMILE!
