Looking for a Christmas gift for your clients?


What do you get the client who has everything? A book, that’s what you get.

Books make a great gift for anyone on your list because they provide value beyond their modest cost.

If you know a client or contact’s reading preferences, you can choose something special for them. Otherwise, choose a non-fiction business, financial, productivity, or self-help book that is likely to appeal across the board. Or one book for business clients and professional contacts, another for consumers.

The best choice is a book you’ve read and recommend. Perhaps something you found useful in your practice. You can add your comments or “review” to a card that accompanies it or post the review on your website and give clients the link.

You don’t have to give books to everyone on your list. Some clients might get a card. Some might get a $25 book, while others get something priced under $10.

You can have Amazon do the fulfillment for you. Or you can buy in bulk, save a few bucks, and mail the books yourself with a hand-written note.

If your clients don’t read, or they’ve already read the book you buy for them, they can give it to someone else. They’ll appreciate the fact that you thought of them and sent them something you like and recommend, rather than just a card.

Any attorneys on your list? I’ve got some books and courses available that make great gifts. Especially when you personally recommend them.

Books and courses for attorneys
