Have you ever considered a marketing task and talked yourself out of it because you “didn’t have the time”?
Actual work, appointments, meetings, appearances, reviewing files, billing, calls, email, supervising employees, taxes, banking, all need to be done and doing them doesn’t leave much time for anything else.
Including (especially) marketing.
But hold on. If an activity turned out to be worth it, could you find the time to do it?
Would it be worth doing (something) once a week for 45 minutes if it brought in a new case or client every month? Would it be worth doing something 30 minutes every day if it brought in two new clients each week?
Do the math. It’s your practice. What would it take for a marketing task or activity to be ‘worth it’ for you?
How much time, money, effort, for how much return?
Once you have an answer, test the idea. And give it enough time before you conclude it is (or isn’t) worth it.
But hold on (again). You might find that something wasn’t worth it, e.g., you invested three hours this month and saw very little (or no) return, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve. You might be one tweak away from creating a flood of new business.
Try again. Try another approach.
You might find ten things that don’t work. That’s okay. All you need is one that does.