If you can get one client, you can get 100


Are you over-complicating your marketing?

I’m going to go with “yes” because most people do that. Especially lawyers who, by and large, would rather be doing something else.

So, this is me telling you to make things simple (and easy) for yourself by focusing on just one or two things.

One or two strategies. One or two markets. Let go of everything else (at least for now).

If you did that, how much time and money would you free up?

How much additional mental energy would you have if marketing only required you to do one or two things?

What things?

Something that’s already working.

Look at your current and recent client lists and figure out where they came from.

Referrals? From whom? What preceded the referral? What did you do to help it along?

Advertising? Which publications or platforms? What did you offer? What did you spend, what was your ROI?

Did they come through your website? How did they find you? What did they do before they contacted you (e.g, read something, opt in, etc.)

Did they come through organic social media? Which platforms? What did you do to engage them and get them to take the next step?

You don’t need to be a rocket surgeon to figure this out. Find something that’s working for you and do more of it.

If it brought you even one client, it can bring you a lot more.

What if more than a few things are working for you? What if you’re getting new business through several means and there is no clear winner?

Dig deeper.

Which method(s) are bringing you better clients (lots of work for you, willing to pay top dollar, ability to refer, etc.)?

And. . .

Which method(s) do you like best?

Because if you enjoy doing it, you’ll do more of it.

When I was practicing, it was referrals, all day every day. I enjoyed it and focused on it and got good at it.

If that sounds good to you, here’s a good place to start.
