Why nobody reads your newsletter


I see a lot of attorney’s newsletters. I see them but I don’t read them because, well, why should I? I can get that information anywhere.

The same goes for a lot of blogs, articles, videos, and other content.

The information is often good. Legal and business or consumer tips that can help the reader accomplish something or learn something useful.

The problem is the author doesn’t give anyone a reason to read their version of the information.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix.

Put some of “you” into the writing. Tell readers your experience with or opinion of the information.

Instead of sending your readers an article or a link to an article about how to take better photos, for example, tell them why you wanted to take better photos of your kids and that you found a site that helped you do that in less than 30 minutes, and now your family loves your photos.

Instead of telling them how insurance companies trick people and what to watch out for, tell your readers about a client who got tricked by an adjuster into settling his case for much less than it was worth, or a client who wisely called you for advice before they signed a release and didn’t fall into that trap.

Instead of sending a list of books everyone should read in their lifetime, tell them about a book you read recently and why you recommend it. Tell them what you liked, what you got out of it, what you agreed with, and where you differed.

In other words, instead of sending your readers an information dump, tell them how you or your clients or others have used that information, and benefited, or failed to use it, to their detriment.

Stories, bub. Context. Examples from your practice or personal life.

Not just “the information” but what you think about the information.

Put some personality into your writing.

Do that, and your subscribers will not only read and enjoy your newsletter, they’ll look forward to reading your next issue.

If you want to learn more ways to write a newsletter your subscribers will love to read, get my email marketing for attorneys course
