The second most important question to ask your new client


You know that the most important question to ask a new client is, “Where did you hear about me [us]?” If they were referred, you need to know who to thank. If they found your website through search, you need to know what they searched for so you can focus on that keyword. If they saw one of your ads or articles or heard you speak or saw your video or heard you interviewed. . . you need to know.

You need to know what’s working in your marketing so you can do more of it. You also need to know what’s not working so you can reduce or eliminate them.

But there’s a second question you should ask new clients, and in some respects, it’s even more important than the first:

“Why did you choose me [us]?”

There are lots of other attorneys they could have hired. What was it that convinced them that you were the better choice?

It could be any reason or a combination of reasons. Maybe they liked a certain article on your site. Maybe their friend said you were nice. Maybe they liked the way you treated them when they called to ask a question.

Maybe they saw all the good reviews you have on online. Maybe they’ve been on your list for awhile and your emails helped them get to know, like, and trust you. Or maybe they chose you because they can see that you focus on helping people like them (e.g., same business niche, same ethnicity, same neighborhood, etc.)

You won’t know unless you ask.

Ask, “Where did you hear about me?” upon greeting the new client. Or ask them when they are on the phone, in case they don’t make or keep an appointment.

Ask the second question after they’ve signed your retainer agreement and put some shekels into your sweaty palm.

One more thing. If you have thick skin (and an elastic heart), you should also ask prospective clients who DIDN’T hire you why they went with someone else.

How to get your clients to send you more referrals
