I dare you. . .


I just told my business partners (my other business) that my goal for 2008 is to triple my 2007 income.

This is BIG GOAL! (Let’s just say I already do okay).

I told them I was sharing my goal with them for two reasons. First, so they would hold me accountable to it. Few things motivate more than accountability. Remember something we used to call “peer pressure”? That’s accountability. If you go to the gym and have a work out partner or coach, that’s accountability. When you promise your spouse you will do something and it’s important, that’s accountability. Accountability to others is powerful because we will often do for others (or what we have promised to others) what we won’t do for ourselves. I also asked my parnters to tell me their goals, so I could hold them accountable.

The second reason I shared my goal with my partners was to inspire them to think bigger. After all, if it’s good enough for me to think in those terms, it gives them “permission” to think bigger, probably bigger than they would do on their own.

So, as you contemplate 2007 and plan for 2008, I am issuing you a challenge to not only think bigger than you have ever thought before, but to find someone who will hold you accountable.

Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing.”
