Closing the sale


You’re sitting with a prospective client talking about their case or the services you can provide. You’ve made the case for why they need your help, explained what you will do, talked about fees, answered their questions, and you think they’re ready to sign up.

But you’re not sure. 

What should you do?

One thing you can do is “assume the sale”. Hand them the paperwork and a pen (or stylus) and tell them where to put their name. You might start with an authorization instead of a fee agreement or another document to fill out. 

If they fill it out, they’re saying yes to the dress.

If they have more questions or objections, they’ll let you know.

If you’re still not sure, ask them. “Are you ready to get started?”

It can be as simple as that. 

Actually, it should be. If they need you, can afford you, and don’t need to get anyone’s approval, it should be a done deal. 

So ask. 

“Are you ready to get started?” Or, “Would you like me to get started?” Or, “When would you like to get started?” Or, “Would you like to get started this week or is next week better for you?”

It’s all good.

You’re not asking for the sale. You’re asking what they want to do. If they’re ready, great. If they want to wait, that’s fine (although there are things you can say to get them to reverse course), but the best thing for you to do is to let them do what they want to do. 

Remember, they need you. 

Also remember, nobody likes to be pushed. And pushing makes you look desperate. And you don’t have to push.

Ask if they’re ready. If they’re not, their reasons or objections will tell you what you need to say to help them get ready. 

And there’s nothing better than a client who’s ready to put you to work. 


Compelling reasons to hire you


They need you. They want you. But that doesn’t mean they’re ready to hire you. A lot of things can get in the way between “interested” and “take my money”. It’s up to you to convince them to take the next step. Or more accurately, to provide them with sufficient facts and emotional appeals to enable them to convince themself. 

For starters, that requires understanding their problem and how it affects them. Where is their pain? What do they fear? What is their objective and, if they don’t achieve it, what it will cost them and how will they feel? 

If they don’t know this, you need to tell them. And provide examples of what happened to other people in their situation. 

If they do know what can happen, tell them anyway, and invoke their emotions.

Remind them of the consequences and how bad things can get. And remind them that all is not lost, there are things you can do.

This may take a while. You should be prepared to tell them these things not once but repeatedly until they’re ready to act. 

Vary your approach. One time, give them good news. Rainbows and furry animals. Next time, remind them that war is hell and paint a picture of the bloodshed that may ensure. 

Use different examples and arguments. Bullet points and essays. The Yin and the Yang. If before you dispassionately told them “just the facts,” now you might get in their face with urgency and alarm. 

And don’t stop. You can’t just send them a memo and expect that this will do the trick. You need to stay in touch with prospects (and clients), alternatively poking them and hugging them, and all the while, letting them know you’re ready to talk to them.

The words you use, your copywriting strategy, your tone, are all important. But nothing is as important as continually being “in their minds and mailboxes”. 

This is where you hold an edge over your competitors. They may have a better track record or other reasons why someone should hire them, but most don’t stay in touch. 

They don’t understand that marketing legal services is a process, not an event. 

But you do. And that’s how you win.


Why should I believe you? 


You’re in the convincing business. People either believe you (and hire you, rule for you, agree with you, etc.) or they don’t. Your success depends on getting more people to believe you and your clients. 

You can always use logic and reasoning, and you should. But “telling” people and reasoning with them may not be enough. 

That’s why you should also share:

  1. PROOF: Copies of checks or documents, show them your awards, show them the statutes, let them hear eyewitness testimony, show them diagrams and photos of the scene, practice with them for depo or trial, show them your content, and offer free consultations so they can see for themself what you do and how good you are.
  2. STORIES: Sare the words and experiences of people (like them), by showing them testimonials and reviews and thank-you notes from clients, telling them success stories about cases you’ve handled, and stories about people who didn’t hire an attorney (or waited too long).

Logic and reasoning work. Proof and stories (usually) work better. 


Not so fast


Your clients generally like when you get the job done quickly. It shows them you have the experience and confidence to do a good job and give them the solution or prize without delay, often at lower cost.

But if you move too quickly, they may wonder why.  

Did you overlook anything? Take too many risks? Make mistakes that will come back to haunt them? 

Did you push them to settle too soon, for less than they could have gotten?

At the other extreme, if you move too slowly, they may think you don’t know what you’re doing or you’re dragging your feet to bill more hours.

Too fast, or too slow, and you make clients nervous. 

It’s the same with prospective clients. 

After a meeting or presentation, if you follow up too quickly or too often, they may wonder if you need the work. If you take too much time to follow-up, however, they might think you don’t care about their business and won’t give them enough attention. 

Each case or client is different, of course. Set the pace accordingly. 

Consider the size and complexity of the case, the emotional aspects of the issues, the number of decision makers, deadliness, and the best practices in their industry or market.

Talk to the client and find out what’s most important to them. Some will tell you they want the best results, no matter how long it takes or what it costs. Some will want you to prioritize cost. And some will tell you they don’t know and ask what you recommend.

In that case, think about what you would want if you were the client—and do that. 


Stop making it harder to hire you


More than a few lawyers talk themself out of the sale by simply talking too much. 

Not all prospective clients want all the details. Which is why you should give prospective clients the opportunity to sign up immediately, without seeing your entire stable of dogs and ponies. 

You need to give them enough information so they can make an informed decision (and you can CYA), but if you insist on telling everyone everything they “might” want to know, you’ll scare off a lot of clients. 

You know, the ones who tell you they have to think about it. They really don’t want to think about it. They’re just scared.

Which is why you should give everyone the option to get started without hearing all the details. 

Tell them what you can do to help them, assume the sale, and hand them the paperwork. If they have (more) questions or want to see more information, they’ll tell you. 

If you’re not sure, ask them. “Do you want me to get started?” If they hesitate, then you can offer more information. 

Yes, this is easier in person where you can read their body language. It’s easier with contingency cases that don’t require payment up front. But a surprising percentage of prospective clients will not only sign up without hearing all the details, they actually prefer it. 

They want to say yes, so they can get on with their life and let you do what you do. They don’t want to think about their problem any more than they have to, they don’t want to wait for a solution, and they don’t want to talk to more lawyers. 

They want you. Now.

At least that’s what you should assume. 


When do prospective clients decide to hire you?


By the time most prospective clients meet you or speak to you, they’ve already decided to hire you. Or not.

They usually know something about you—from your website, your ad or mailing, a review, or a friend who referred them. When they speak to you, their gut tells them yes or no.  

You can give them more information about yourself, about their case and what you can do to help them. But they’ve usually already decided. They use the information you give them to confirm their decision or to see if there’s a reason to override it.

Which means you don’t have to give them a lot of information or go hard trying to persuade them.

If, based on first impressions, they’ve decided they want to hire you, you only need to tell them enough so they can justify their decision. If you give them more, you risk overwhelming or confusing them, giving them more things to think about or question, and talking yourself out of the sale. 

On the other hand, if they initially decided to not hire you, loading them up with information is unlikely to get them to change their mind. 

People don’t like changing their minds.

Give them basic information and not too much of it. If they want more, they’ll ask for more. 

Hey, this is good news. Since the sale is made before you speak to the prospective client, you just have to say enough to not screw it up.


Talk less


All of the marketing and advertising you do is merely a prequel to having a conversation with a prospective client. 

During that conversation, they want to know what you think about their situation or question; they want to know if you can help them; and they want to know what it will take for you to do that. 

So, you ask questions. And listen. 

You listen so you can diagnose their problem or need and tell them how you can help them and what it will cost. If they like what you say, they begin to trust you and move closer to taking the next step. 

But they might not be ready. They might have more questions. 

Questions are good. It means they’re interested. 

But the key to reaching agreement isn’t for you to do all the talking. They key is to get them to do most of the talking. 

Which means asking them more questions. 

You want them to tell you more about their situation, what they want and what they fear. As you validate what they say, through your words and body language (and additional questions), they see that not only are you knowledgeable about their situation and capable of helping them, you want to.

But don’t let them wander. You must control the conversation by narrowing the scope of their questions and keeping them focused on the solutions they need and want. Answer their question and ask your own:

Does that make sense? Is that what you want? Would (this) be better for you or would (that)?

When you see that they might be ready to take that next step, ask a “closing” question. If you’ve answered their questions and told them what you can do to help them, your closing question might be as simple as, “Are you ready to get started?” 

Talk less. Listen more. They’ll tell you what they want—and what you need to say to get them to say “yes”.


What to do when prospective clients say your fees are too high


You don’t want to lose them and you don’t want to cut your fee. What do you say or do with prospects who say you’re too expensive? 

First, you realize that this might be true for them. In which case, you let them go. But before you do that, offer a lower-priced service if you have one, or a smaller portion of your full service. If not, offer to introduce them to a lawyer or firm with lower fees.

Help them and they’ll remember you if their financial situation or legal needs change. And by referring them to another lawyer, you might earn that lawyer’s referrals when they have a conflict or a client who needs more help than they can provide. 

For everyone else, consider that you might not have a fee problem, you have a marketing problem. 

You might be targeting prospective clients who are not a good fit for you in terms of their needs and your capabilities. If you are a sole practitioner, for example, and they want to work with a bigger firm, you either need to show them why you are more nimble and can provide them with more personal attention as a sole practitioner than a bigger firm, or otherwise convince them you can deliver what they’re looking for. 

Your timing might be the culprit. If you’re speaking to a prospect at a low point in their cash flow cycle, or in the middle of an inflationary cycle, introduce them to a bank or other source of funding, or adopt more flexible payment terms yourself. 

Your timing might also be a problem if (they think) you’re not responding to their inquiry quickly enough. 

Maybe they think you’re too aggressive in trying to get them to sign up. Or not aggressive enough if that’s something they are used to or expect. 

They might not like your style. Some clients need a bit of handholding, and you might not be solicitous enough for their taste. Others might equate being overly nice with being weak.

It could be ineffective marketing materials. Your website or presentation might talk too much about features and not enough about benefits. You might not have enough testimonials or reviews to see the deal. Maybe you haven’t shown them you provide enough value, especially if they’re comparing you to your competition who offers more or does a better job of articulating that value. 

Maybe the whole package they see is too lawyer-like (somber, boring, tight-lipped) for them, or not lawyer-like enough. 

If you want to sign up more clients and have fewer prospects tell you your fees are too high, you need to find out what people want and what they expect. It comes down to research, testing, and conversation.

Try different approaches and see what works best. Survey or talk to prospects, new clients, and especially, the ones who got away. 

You can learn a lot just by talking to people.


A simple formula 


According to Wikipedia, “Copywriting is the process of creating persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as making a purchase, clicking on a link, donating to a cause, or scheduling a consultation.” 

There are several copywriting formulas, starting with the most well known AIDA, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. 

You can’t convince anyone to do something unless you first have their attention. That’s your headline or lead. 

Once you have their attention, you present information that builds interest for your product or service or solution. 

You then build desire for your product or solution by showing them how they will be better off when they buy it. 

Finally, you prompt them to take action to get what you offer. 

It works for most products or services, including legal services, but I use a somewhat different formula: PASBA. 

PASBA stands for Problem, Agitation, Solution, Benefits, and (call to) Action. 

  1. Problem. What does your reader want and what’s stopping him from getting it? Sometimes, especially with an abstract like legal services, they don’t even realize they have a problem until you point it out. 
  2. Agitate. What can happen if they don’t fix the problem or get what they want? What can they lose? How bad can it get? What pain and secondary problems might occur? Show them examples, stories, statistics, or other factors to illustrate and build desire for a solution.  
  3. Solution. What you can do to solve, mitigate, or prevent the problem, or help them achieve their goal? Tell them about your services and options. 
  4. Benefits. What do they get when they hire you? Will they feel relief? Be safer, happier, or otherwise better off? 
  5. Call to action. Tell them what to do to get your solution and benefits. Tell them how to get started, encourage them to take the first step, and create urgency for doing that with a deadline or by reminding them about the risks of delay or inaction.   

You can use variations of this formula in sales copy, emails, web pages, from the stage, in person, or any time you want to convince people to do something you want them to do. 

Make sure they know the nature and extent of their problem, what you can do to help them, how they will be better off, and what to do to get started. 

If you do, you’ll get more clients and help more people. If you don’t. . . 


Don’t take “no” for an answer


What do you do when someone says they’re not ready to sign up, or they “need to think about it”?

In other words, “no”? No soup for you. 

You told them their risks and their options. You laid out a plan. Answered their questions. If they still said no. Should you let them go? 

No. Give it another shot. Because “no” often means “tell me more”. They may know they need to say yes, they may want to say yes, but they’re afraid and won’t commit. 

Follow these 3 steps to help them make the right decision:

  1. Isolate. Put on your litigator’s hat, repeat what they’ve told you (their objection or reason for wanting to wait). “So what you’re saying is. . .” (It’s a big decision, a lot of money, you’re not sure this is right for you, etc.) Get them to acknowledge that these are the reasons they want to think about it, etc., and there aren’t any other reasons. 
  2. Validate. “I understand how you feel; many of my clients told me the same thing when they first came to see me. . .”
  3. Differentiate. Show them why the benefits outweigh the risks or that this is the best time (and why). Tell them again why they need to do this. You might phrase it in terms of what your other clients (who initially hesitated) realized, e.g., “. . .and then they found out/realized. . .”

And “close” again. “So, shall we get this going?” 

If they still say no, you might say, “Before you make your final decision.. .” and tell them a new fact or statistic or client story. Yes, they’ve already made their final decision, but you don’t have to accept it. 

Reject their rejection. And close again. 

More: The Attorney Marketing Formula
