The red pill or the blue pill?


I know something about you. I know that no matter what you do to market your services there are other things you don’t do.

The question is why?

Why don’t you implement some of the marketing strategies you learn from me or from others? Is it because you don’t think they will work? You don’t have time? You’re not “good” at “it”?

But are these true or do you choose to believe them?

Everything you do is a choice. You can choose to believe that something won’t work or you can choose to try it. You can choose to tell yourself you don’t have time to learn something, let alone do it, or you can choose to make the time.

It’s all a choice. A or B. Red pill or blue.

You can choose to make a few marketing-related calls today or you can choose not to. You can choose to eat lunch at your desk and work on your book for 30 minutes or you can choose to go out. You can choose to read a book about how to get better at remembering people’s names or you can tell yourself you’re just not good at it.

You have free will. You get to choose.

Even if something is “against the rules,” you have a choice. If you would like to advertise, for example, but your firm or bar association prohibits it, you can choose to accept this or you can choose to look for ways to change the rules or find a way around them.

Every day you make choices. Your choices, big and small, aggregate and determine your results.

Now, you can choose to believe what you just read, and do something about it, or you can make a different choice.

Red pill or blue?

You can choose to take action to get more referrals
