The most important part of goal setting


Resolutions? Goals? Habits? Okay, but “why”?

Why have you set that goal? Why do you want to start (or finish) that project? Why do you plan to develop that habit? 

Why is the key. It is much more important than “how”. 

If you have a reason, the goal or habit is important to you. If it’s important, you’re more likely to do it, or at least try. If it’s not important, if you chose it because you think you should or because it’s the next logical step in your journey, you might not. 

You have to know why. If you don’t, your subconscious mind thinks, “why bother?” 

You want to double revenue this year? Why? What problem will that help you solve? What will it help you achieve? Why is doubling revenue important to you?

The best “why” is one that makes you emotional when you think about NOT getting it. 

Whatever you want to be, do, or have, write it down and read it daily until it manifests. 

In fact, if you’re taking notes, write this down: “What and why are more important than how and when.”

Your subconscious mind will lead you to how and when (and who might help). 

But only if you know why. 
