Lucy, you’ve got some ‘splainin to do!


Apparently, Ricky Ricardo never actually said that. And there’s a lot of discussion online about why everyone thinks he did. But while Lucy may not have been called to explain, you are. Lawyers are asked to explain things all the time. 

What does this mean? How does this work? What happens if I do (or don’t)? 

And you prepare answers to these frequently asked questions on your website. They help clients and prospects understand things. And help you save time not having to answer these questions. 

They also help differentiate yourself from other lawyers who post few (or no) FAQs. You look more experienced and knowledgeable and open, and clients like that. 

If you don’t have a robust FAQ page on your site, I suggest you add one post haste. But don’t just answer questions about your office hours and practice areas. Answer questions about the law. 

Explain cases and code sections, procedures and timeliness. Explain what happens when you investigate or research. Explain risks and contingencies, options and opportunities. 

Start with a list of what clients and prospects ask you. Add things you typically find yourself explaining.

In some industries, these are called “explainer docs”. Some professionals and businesses post “explainer videos”. Whatever you call them, they give you a chance to demonstrate (some) of your knowledge and experience and how you help your clients. 

If you have a newsletter or blog, you can bundle up some of the “best of” your content and use these, at least to start.

They can help you sign up more new clients and sell more of your “other” services to your existing and former clients. They are also a tool for generating more referrals as they are shared online or via handouts. 

As you create these, give copies (or links) to your new clients. Hand them out when you do in-person presentations. Keep a supply in the briefcase you bring with you to networking or speaking events. 

And let them ‘splain what you do and how you help people. 
