Survey says!


“Got a minute? Please take my one-minute survey about your favorite ways to market your services.”

That’s how easy it is to survey your clients, readers, or audience. You can survey them by email, in a blog post, during a presentation, even when you’re chatting in person. “Can I ask you a question?” Yeah, that’s a survey too.

Why do it? Because surveys can help you learn what your audience wants or needs, what they think, what they do, and what they might do in a given situation. And you can use this information to improve your marketing. 

Surveys can help the people you survey recognize the need for your services and generate more leads and appointments. They can also help you build your list. 

Surveys can show clients and prospects what others do (or mistakenly didn’t do), building interest in your solutions, offering social proof of their need, and creating urgency for taking action. 

Surveys also provide you with material you can use in your content, improve your offers and packages, and identify better ways to describe what you do and why people need to talk to you.

In short, surveys help you build your practice. 

You can survey new clients about how they found you, why they chose you, if they have other issues you can help them with, and if they know anyone who might need to talk to you or get a copy of your report. 

You can survey former clients and find out if they need an update, need help with any other legal matter, or know anyone who might like to read your latest article.

You can survey prospective clients, subscribers, social media connections, or visitors to your website. You can distribute surveys via flyers, advertising, or at the bottom of an article.

Surveys are flexible and powerful. And everyone who sees your survey, even if they don’t respond to it, sees your name and learns what you do. 

It’s all good. And it’s all easy to do. 
