The best way to get prospective clients to find you


The best way to get prospective clients to find you is to get them to find YOU (not your blog or content, not “a lawyer or law firm” that does what you do—YOU. 

By name. 

Because if they search for a lawyer who does what you do, or content offered by lawyers who do what you do, they’ll wade through countless pages of content from your competitors and may or may not find your ad or article or listing. And you’ll pay a fortune to even be in the running. 

But if they search for you by name, they’ll find you. And it might not cost you a dime. 

Brand yourself. Your name. Your story. That’s what you want prospective clients and the people who can refer them to think about when they need help. 

Yes, you should also create content that can capture their attention (if they happen to see it) but the best way to use this is to show it to people after they find you. 

Get people to notice and remember your name and what you do. Then, when someone needs the kind of help you provide, they’ll go looking for you—the lawyer whose name they’ve been hearing about.

Do this and whether or not you advertise, your marketing will be much more effective. And profitable. 

How do you do it? By doing things worth talking about. And by making sure your existing network knows about them because they will tell others. 

Do something different. Something other lawyers aren’t doing or aren’t talking about. 

Do something bigger. Something that provides more value or benefits. Or something newsworthy. 

Do something that promotes a cause that is important to the people in your target market, or align yourself with people who do that. Sing their praises, recognize their accomplishments, and let the world hear your name when their name (and cause) is mentioned. 

Lawyer, promote thyself. That should be the mantra underlying all of your marketing.
