Information vs. sales


You have a newsletter, blog, or channel. You regularly give your clients and prospects information about the law, about their market or industry, and about your services.

If you do it right, that’s about all the selling you need to do.

That’s not selling, is it? Yes, it is.

Your readers or listeners see what you do and how you can help them. They understand why they might need why they should find out if they do. And they see, via your examples and stories, that you’ve helped other people like them solve problems and accomplish goals, effectively proving to your readers that you can do the same for them.

Your newsletter educates them, so they know more about their risks and options. It shows them the benefits they get by hiring a lawyer and shows them why that lawyer should be you. It prompts them to contact you to learn more about their specific situation, get their questions answered, and hire you to get the solutions and benefits they want and need.

And it makes it easier for them to do that by telling them what to do next.

If that’s not selling, I don’t know what is.

Do you need to “hard sell”? Use any “urgent” language, scarcity, fear of loss, of do anything else to get people to take action?

No. But if it is appropriate and you want to, you can.

Mostly, you just point. You tell them what to do, e.g., call, email, fill out a form, visit a page, etc., and point to a link or phone number. And usually, that’s enough.

Because your readers or listeners, having read or listened to you, know what you want them to know and what you suggest they do, and when they’re ready, they do it.

How to write an email newsletter that does your marketing for you
