Send this email to all of your clients


Your clients (and prospects) have other legal needs besides the ones you handle. They need a divorce and you only handle bankruptcy. The want to start a business and you only do estate planning.

Some of your clients know they can ask you for a referral, and some will, but many don’t know and won’t ask.

Tell your clients (train them) to come to you for ALL of their legal needs.


So you can introduce them to good attorneys, sparing them the time and effort of searching and the risk of making a bad choice.

And so you can help attorneys you know by sending them referrals, setting the stage for them to reciprocate.

Send your list an email reminding them that you only handle [your practice area(s)], you know they may have other legal needs or questions and you want to help them.

Tell them you know a lot of attorneys with experience in other practice areas.

Tell them to call you, in confidence, about their legal matter or question, so you can refer them to a good attorney.

Put this email into your autoresponder or calendar to send a few times per year.

What if you don’t know an attorney who handles what your client needs? That’s your cue to find someone and thus expand your referral network.

You can do the same thing with other professionals. Businesses, too.

My course, Lawyer-to-Lawyer Referrals, shows you everything you need to know.
