How good do you need to be?


Lawyers need to be good at many things but they don’t need to be great at anything.

It helps, but being good is usually good enough.

Take writing, for example.

Lawyers need to write clearly–to express their ideas and persuade people to follow a course of action.

They also need to write succinctly, so readers don’t have to work hard to find their point.

From a marketing and practice-building perspective, a lawyer’s writing should also speak to the reader’s self-interest.

Your writing should show that you understand what your reader is going through–their problems, their pain, their desires–and cast vision for a better future for them, with you by their side.

Your writing should also be–for lack of a better word–“interesting”.

Your articles, blog posts, emails, presentations, et. al., should have some color in them. Don’t just talk about the law, talk about life–your readers’ and yours.

Just about any lawyer can accomplish this and turn out good writing.

Some lawyers may need practice. Lots of writing to sharpen their saw.

Some lawyers may need someone to edit or at least review their writing prior to hitting the send button.

Some lawyers may need to do some homework, to learn more about their clients’ business or industry, background, and personal interests.

And some lawyers may need to get out of the office more or take up a hobby or loosen up a bit and be willing to talk about their day.

Writing is what lawyers do and we need to be good at it. But we don’t need to be great.

If you want to learn how to write a more effective newsletter, get this
