The 3 types of prospective clients


There are 3 types of prospective clients you could target:

1) People who need your help (but don’t know it).

These people have a problem but don’t know they do. Or they believe the problem isn’t that bad, it will resolve on its own, or that they can fix it without an attorney.

Attorneys who target this type of client conduct seminars, post videos, write blog posts and social media posts, and do other things to educate people about the problem, the risks of inaction or self-help, the benefits of hiring a lawyer, the options for doing so, and the reasons why they are the best lawyer for the job.

It is a viable strategy but takes the most time.

To target this type of prospective client, the best course of action is to build relationships with prospective clients and especially the people who can refer them, before the client has a problem or is ready to hire an attorney.

2) People with a “felt need”.

It’s easier to market to people who know they have a problem and are prepared to do something about it. Your task is to show them the benefits of hiring an attorney and the risks of delay. As you do that, you’ll also show them that you have the knowledge and experience to help them with their problem and they will naturally be inclined towards choosing you.

Your best course of action is to build an opt-in list and stay in touch with these people. You should also educate your clients (and others) about your ideal client and how to refer them.

3) People who are actively looking for an attorney.

This is the most competitive and “expensive” option. Your task is to show prospective clients why you are the best choice. Show them how you are better or different from the competition.

An effective strategy here is to target specific segments of the bigger market (niche markets) and dominate those niches. Show prospective clients and referral sources that you focus on this market, have experience with the market’s needs and a proven track record of helping clients in that market solve their problems and provide for those needs.

Which of these 3 should you target? That depends on what you do and a host of other factors.

If you’re not sure what’s best for you, the best course of action, for now at least, is to combine strategies: target niche markets, build a list and stay in touch, educate people about their problems and the need for an attorney, teach people how to recognize your ideal client and how to refer them, and show people why you are the attorney they should choose.

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