I’d like to interview you for a book I’m writing


Imagine getting an email from someone who says they want to interview you. They’re writing a book and want to feature you in it–your ideas, your words, your story.


I know I would be. So would lots of professionals and business owners and successful people. The kind of people you would like to meet and network with. The kind of people who can send you referrals and introduce you to other centers of influence in your niche market or community.

I just released a new Kindle book that can help.

It’s called, The Easy Way to Write a Book: How to Use Expert Interviews to Quickly Write a Non-Fiction Book–Even if You’ve Never Written Anything Before.

It tells the story of how I wrote and published a book based on an interview I did with appellate attorney Steve Emmert which I told you about last week. It shows you how you can use the same method to write your own book.

Your book can be a great marketing tool for you. If nothing else, it can bring traffic to your website from prospective clients and the people who can refer them.

By the way, not only is this an easy way to write a book, it’s also one of the quickest. I was able to do the interview, write and publish the book, in less than 8 hours.

But you don’t have to write a book if you don’t want to. You can use the approach in the book to interview professionals and business owners for blog posts, articles, or a podcast.

The book is only .99 cents right now. Here’s the link.

(If you’re outside the US, search for the title in your Kindle store ).

Let me know if you have any questions.

The Easy Way to Write a Book
