Why clients stay with a bad attorney


Ever wonder why clients stay with a bad attorney? Because human beings are creatures of habit. They’ll stay with the same dry cleaner, mechanic, or attorney, even if they aren’t thrilled with the service, because it’s too much work to find a new one. Plus, the next one might be even worse.

So things might be bad but until they get bad enough, they stay.

But sometimes it doesn’t take much to go from bad to bad enough. How many clients are just one unreturned phone call away from leaving?

How about your clients? You may think everything is fine but is it?

You need to know.

Survey your clients. Take a poll. Talk to them privately. Do whatever you have to do to find out how they really feel because if your clients don’t love you, you will never be able to build the kind of practice I’m sure you want.

But here’s the thing. Other lawyers’ clients are staying with them because things aren’t bad enough. That’s an opportunity for you.

No, don’t go courting other lawyers’ clients. There’s someone at your state bar with a stick up his ass who’s just waiting for you to do that.

What you can do is write and talk about how important your clients are to you. How you bend over backwards to keep them happy. And how any attorney who doesn’t do the same just doesn’t get it.

Post articles on your web site. Do a video. Develop a talk.

Become an advocate for treating clients with respect and kindness and appreciation. If you do, it won’t be long before you are approached by clients whose lawyers didn’t get it.

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