The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit

The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™

A Marketing ‘Form File’ For Attorneys and Law Firms

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David Ward

From: David M. Ward
The Attorney Marketing Center
Saturday, 11:17am

Re: Where do you go when you need a marketing document?

Dear Attorney Friend,

When you need a legal document—a lease, a pleading, a contract—where do you look? If you’re like me, the first place you look is in your “form files”. It’s almost always easier to re-write something you’ve used before than to create something from scratch.

But where do you look when you need a marketing document?

Suppose you want to send a letter to your former clients letting them know about your other services—where do you find a sample?

How about a referral letter to send to professional contacts? If you don’t have one you have used before, what do you do?

What if you want a brochure or newsletter? Or a press release to announce your latest victory. Where do you look for samples?

If you don’t have a “form file” of marketing documents, you have two choices: either you take precious billable time to conceive and write the document yourself (and cross your fingers) or you hire someone to do it for you.

Actually, there is a third choice, and for the first five years of my law practice, it is the choice I made—I chose to do nothing.

I didn’t take the time to write the brochure I knew I need, I didn’t write a newsletter, I didn’t send referral letters to my clients, and I didn’t hire anyone to do these things for me. As a result I didn’t get the repeat business and new clients I wanted and needed, and my income suffered.

If this sounds familiar to you, if you aren’t creating and using the marketing documents you know you need, I have the solution. It’s called. . .

The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™

The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ is a one-of-a-kind collection of marketing documents for attorneys. This massive, two-volume set contains more than 800 pages of letters, brochures, ads, newsletters, coupons, referral cards, discount certificates, and other marketing documents used by practicing attorneys to market their services. The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ is. . .


Imagine taking one of these volumes off your shelf, turning to the table of contents and finding the exact document you need. It’s all here:

  • Letters to current clients
  • Letters to former clients
  • Letters to prospective clients
  • Letters to referral sources
  • Letters to other attorneys
  • Newsletters
  • Reports
  • Brochures
  • Yellow page ads
  • Newspaper ads
  • Referral cards
  • Discount coupons
  • Press releases
  • Business cards
  • And MUCH MORE!

Not sure what you want? Just browse through the pages of The Toolkit and you’ll find HUNDREDS of ideas — more than you can use in ten years of practicing.

It’s like digging through a treasure chest of
money-making marketing jewels!

Now you’re probably wondering who I am and what I know about marketing legal services. Fair enough. . .

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My name is David M. Ward. Although I no longer practice law, I did so for twenty years in southern California. As a sole practitioner, I built a successful law practice from scratch. (Twice, actually, but that’s another story).

When I began practicing in 1979, I knew absolutely nothing about marketing. After all, they don’t teach marketing in law school. My first five years in practice were a constant struggle to earn a living. I had some very rough times. Eventually, I stumbled onto a unique marketing method which allowed me to start bringing in clients. I started studying marketing and expanded my knowledge base. I experimented, found out what worked, what didn’t, and my practice continued to grow. In time, I built a successful personal injury practice in an extremely competitive marketplace.

Based on my experiences, in 1997, I created a marketing course to teach lawyers how to get more clients and build their practice. I focused on referral-marketing, and my course, Referral Magic: The Complete Guide to Building a Successful Law Practice, has been purchased by more than 5,000 attorneys in the US, Canada, and a dozen other countries. For nearly five years, I also wrote and published a paid subscription newsletter, The Attorney Marketing Letter.

I have had articles published in numerous law-related newsletters and web sites, including I have been asked to speak at countless bar association groups, including the ABA. But more important than all this is what other attorneys say about me. Here are a few of their many letters and emails:

“$2 million in PI cases”

“I am one of your original subscribers. Last year was my biggest year ever. I moved about $2 million in PI cases across my desk. Most of those clients were retained using techniques you taught me. Not bad for a sole practitioner.

Your materials are tested. This alone has saved me tens of thousands of dollars. Plus the work you put into your materials saves me hundreds of hours. As we all know, TIME is the currency to the new millennium. Why try to re-invent the wheel? Your techniques work!” —John J. Schalter, MI

“$83, 333.33 in 60 Days!”

“It’s true! I ordered Referral Magic a few months ago, and after digesting all of the powerful information in the course, I immediately refocused a substantial portion of our marketing efforts to renewing old referral relationships and aggressively developing new ones. Bottom line, our firm IMMEDIATELY PROFITED.

As a direct result of applying what I learned in Referral Magic, less than 60 days after I ordered your course, I was referred a personal injury case that I settled for $250,000 policy limits, generating $83,333.33 in fees! Attached is a copy of the settlement check!” Jon Mitchell Jackson, Laguna Hills, CA

“Six Referrals the first week!”

“I have started implementing the techniques suggested in [Referral Magic] on “How To Talk To Clients About Referrals,” and the results have been amazing. Within a week of receiving and reviewing your package, I tried the techniques in just two client appointments. Results: six qualified referrals!

“I have hired a part-time staff member to focus on developing a systemized database, so we can actually track these kinds of leads, and make more happen from them. Thank you!”
Larry Schreiter,WA, Author of, “The Happy Lawyer: How to gain more satisfaction, Suffer Less Stress, and Enjoy Higher Earnings In Your Law Practice”

“$10,000 the first month!”

“In February you were kind enough to offer a detailed, five-page critique of the networks I had been forming among other lawyers. You had asked me to keep you informed of my progress. Much of what you said in your five-page letter proved prophetic. I am happy to report that my first case resulted in a $10,000 fee within the first month! I have enclosed a copy of the check. So far I have received 6 cases that I would not have otherwise had.” David Wright, TX

“Three New Clients My First Week!”

“I’m finding your program extremely helpful. In the first week of business on a part time basis, I have 3 new clients. I’ve only found the time to read about half of your “Referral Magic” so far. I can hardly wait until I have more time to read the rest of it and the other books.” —Jane K., New Orleans, LA

“Additional 2 to 3 clients per week”

“Your materials are unbelievably good! I should know. I used to be the marketing director of a 100,000 member association. We had a large marketing department and did all of our own creative, production, copywriting etc. I ran the whole show so my expertise has been in the marketing arena. Having said that, let me tell you your course taught me more about marketing legal services than the entire sum total of all the marketing research and reading I’ve done over the last decade.

“I project that your guidance will add an additional 2 to 3 clients a week and at an average of fee of $1500 per client. . . well, you do the math.” —Bill Hammond, KS

Click here for more success stories

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Since 1997, I have consulted with hundreds of attorneys on marketing, advertising, and management issues. I have helped sole practitioners and partners in 1000-lawyer firms, litigators and transactional attorneys, lawyers in just about every practice area you could name.

In the course of these consultations, I have reviewed hundreds of marketing documents and written hundreds of critiques. I took more than 100 of those documents – letters, brochures, newsletters, reports, ads, flyers, referral cards, and everything else – and created The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ to be used as a reference tool for the lawyers who enrolled in my Referral Magic Marketing Course. A couple of years later, I had enough additional documents for a second volume, and Toolkit II was born.

On a trial basis, I made Toolkit I available to lawyers who had not enrolled in the Referral Magic program. I have never offered Toolkit II to anyone outside the program.

Now, for the first time ever, I am making available the complete set — Toolkit I and Toolkit II – to lawyers outside the program, via a special web site promotion. (I’ll explain why in a minute.)

I know you’ll want to add this Toolkit package to your library. It will save you time, make you money, and jump-start your law firms’ marketing program. Whenever you need a marketing document, you’ll be glad to have The Toolkit on your bookshelf.

But The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ is not just a form file. It is also an instruction manual on how to write client-generating copy. Each document in The Toolkit comes with a detailed, line-by-line, word-by-word critique. These critiques show what makes the document work, what needs to be improved, and most importantly, how to improve it.

These critiques take you behind the scenes and let you “eavesdrop” on consultations I had with attorneys who hired me to critique their documents. You’ll see exactly what I told them, all my suggestions, comments, criticisms, and recommendations.

In these critiques, I leave nothing out. I go through the entire document, line by line, paragraph by paragraph, and show you what’s good–and what needs to go. Then, I give specific suggestions, including actual language to use, changes in headlines, sub-heads or bullet points, openings, closings, offers, even what to put in the P.S.

In a brochure, for example, I point out what should go on each panel. For a newsletter, I describe how to structure it so that more readers read it and respond to your offers. In an ad, I review the entire project from concept to copy, from art work to placement. Plus, you’ll also learn additional ways to use your marketing documents so that you get even more repeat business and referrals.

Not only that, I also show you how to save money on printing, mailing, and advertising. This advice can save hundreds, even thousands of dollars.

There is nothing like The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ anywhere because it not only shows you what to do, it shows you HOW to do it. Here are just a few of the strategies and techniques you’ll learn:

  • How to write compelling headlines that grab the readers’ attention and force him to read your ad, letter, or brochure
  • How to use “multi-step marketing” to more than DOUBLE the number of new clients you get
  • How to identify profitable niche markets for your services
  • How to make your yellow page ads pull in 3-4 times more business (without increasing the size)
  • The biggest “cash cow” for any lawyer in any market, and how to milk it!
  • How to find the best subjects for your articles, reports, seminars, or newsletters
  • Tragic marketing mistakes most lawyers make (and how to avoid them)
  • Why you should never use a resume or C.V. Here’s what to use instead.
  • A simple way to get all the testimonials you’ll ever need
  • Why 7 out of 10 yellow page ads fail to break even — and what to do about it
  • How to earn additional income from your “one time” clients
  • How to create an ongoing “dialogue” with clients and prospects that inevitably leads to their hiring you (again), referring to you (again) and becoming your clients for life
  • TV & radio advertising for lawyers: what you need to know before you spend your first dollar
  • How to create simple “Referral Devices” that bring in clients while you sleep
  • Advertising principles every lawyer needs to know–even those who never advertise!
  • Why you must have a newsletter, and how to write your first issue in two hours or less!
  • Why you might never need a brochure—here’s what I use instead
  • Why you should always include a “P.S.” in your letters, and how to write them correctly
  • Why changing a few words in a letter can increase response by up to 300%
  • How to avoid having a closet-full of out-of-date brochures
  • How to turn your newsletter into your best source of repeat business and referrals
  • The first three things I recommend to every lawyer in our first consultation
  • How to use coupons and certificates to get more people calling for a consultation, more people sending you referrals, and more people hiring you for more services TODAY
  • How to use “fear of loss” to make clients hire you now
  • Strategies to get readers to clients and prospects to take immediate action (You can nearly eliminate the “I-have-to-think-about-it”s—if you know how)
  • Three ways to find out if your yellow pages ad will work before you run it!
  • How to write irresistible offers that attract more clients and increase your bottom line
  • Answer this question and you’ll know which size yellow page ad is right for you
  • Where to get all of the content you will ever need for your newsletter—100% free!

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Through these critiques, you’ll learn the “tricks of the trade” used by the highest paid copy writers to create documents that generate more clients, more referrals, and more fees.


Each document in The Toolkit was chosen for its instructive value. Your creative juices will really start flowing the very first time you use The Toolkit.

But. . . I’ll be honest with you. . .

These documents are RAW. I literally emptied my file cabinets, ran everything through a copy machine, and slapped them into three-ring binders. They are NOT pretty. I’m sure they could use a good editing. You’ll undoubtedly see me repeating myself. And I’m not sure, but I’ll bet there are one or two instances where you can actually catch me contradicting my own advice! That’s what I mean by raw.

Not only that, most of the documents in The Toolkit have problems. They are either poorly written or missing key elements. In my critique, I show what needs to be done, and why, and I usually supply a few sentences or a paragraph or two of suggested language. Sometimes, I re-write the entire document. But for the most part, you shouldn’t expect to find “perfect” documents that can be used “as is”. Look at them more as templates for creating your own documents with all of the right elements in all the right places.

For example, one of the letters in The Toolkit is from a young lawyer in Massachusetts who was planning on sending a letter to his clients telling them he would appreciate their referrals. It was typical of many letters I see. Frankly, it needed a lot of work.

I sent him my analysis, going through the letter sentence by sentence, showing him what to remove and what to change or add. I gave him 22 different ways to improve the letter, including an enclosure I suggested he mail with it.

He revised the letter and mailed it, with the enclosure, to a small list of 200. As a direct result of this one letter, mailed one time, he later told me, he earned over $7,000 in fees.

So be prepared to study the critiques. Learn from the mistakes of others. You will gain a wealth of knowledge that you can use over and over again, throughout your career, to create letters and other documents that bring in a steady stream of new business and increased income.

The bottom line is that The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit™ will make you money.

Okay, you’re convinced. You want me to send you The Toolkit. Right way. But how much is it?

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Before I answer, let me ask you what you think something like this will be worth to you. What is it worth to have a letter you could send to your clients over and over again and generate one, two, five or ten additional referrals each time you send it? What is it worth to learn how to write a Yellow Pages ad that brings in 400% more business without increasing the size (or cost)? How much would you pay to learn how to write a brochure that consistently brings in 20% more business?

I should mention that I charge $750 for each document critique. Considering that it often takes me two or three hours to do a critique, sometimes more, I’d say that this is more than fair. And if you consider that the recipient of that critique benefits to the tune of thousands of dollars (or more), I’d say they’re getting a bargain, wouldn’t you?

The Toolkit contains more than 100 critiques. At $750 each, this means The Toolkit is worth an amazing $75,000! Wow, I’d bet that would make this one of the most expensive set of books ever sold. (I wonder if I should list them on

Okay, I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that. No way.

I’ve sold Volume I for $495. Volume two is valued at $595. That’s $1,090 for the set. Does that sound fair? Considering what you get, I think it’s a bargain. One new client and you’ve more than paid for the set. But hold on. I’ve come up with a better deal for you. In fact, it’s so good, my wife and my secretary both told me I wasn’t charging enough. Actually, when she heard what I was going to ask, my wife said. . .

“You’re giving it away!”

Well, whether or not I am giving it away, here goes: For a limited time (no kidding—I reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time and without notice) you can get The Toolkit (Volumes I and II), all 800+ pages, for just $367.

Order now

That’s less than four dollars per document/critique. Less than you would pay to hire me to do one document critique.

Why would I do this? First, you need to know that I am ONLY offering this Toolkit Special on the Internet. I would never make this offer “offline”. I can’t afford to. The cost of advertising offline, in Bar Journals (which I have done for many years) is very high. My advertising budget was over $20,000 a month for a very long time.

But on the Internet, my costs are next to nothing, so. . . if you order through this web site, I can afford to pass along my savings to you.

That’s how I can afford to do this. As for why, the answer is equally simple. A lot of attorneys tell me they can’t afford my Referral Magic course. They want help with their marketing but aren’t in a position to invest $1,000 to $1,500 in my course. And so I wanted to provide something that just about anyone could afford, and, well, this is it.

I’ll sweeten the deal by giving you the following GREAT bonuses:

Free Bonus #1:

The 30-Day Referral Blitz: A Step-by-Step
Guide to Getting Clients Quickly

The 30-Day Referral Blitz is a powerful method for getting your clients to refer new business. When you use The Blitz, you’ll bring in a maximum number of new clients in a minimum of time. And, you can use The Blitz over and over again, whenever you want, to create a new surge of business.

But that’s not all. This report also shows you a powerful way to get new referral sources. No matter how many referral sources you have now, when you follow the simple instructions in The Blitz, you WILL get more!

The Blitz is easy to do. It takes about two hours to set up, and THEN, it’s just 15 minutes a day, five days a week, for 30 days.

“I recently sent a letter to 250 of my former clients using your format for the Referral Blitz. Over the next two weeks, I received three new personal injury cases that will net me a minimum of $10,000 in fees. Thank you so much! I plan on using the Blitz at least once a month. It works and it is so simple to put together.”
Roger Reidmiller,
Witchita, KS

“I am already getting referrals [from The 30-Day Referral Blitz], clients that could mean several thousand dollars to me. Thanks for inspiring me with the ‘blitz mentality!'”
Paul Luskin, Huntington Beach , CA

Free Bonus #2:

The Lazy Lawyer’s Guide To Wealth:
How to Earn More By Working Less!

Most lawyers think the only way to increase their income is to (a) work more hours, (b) raise their fees, or (c) spend more money on advertising.

What if there was another way?

In this report, you’ll learn a simple 12-month plan for increasing your income by at least one-third — working smarter, not harder.

Free Bonus #3:

How To Make Your Business Card Pull In
400% More Clients Than It Does Now

Marketing does not have to be complicated. Believe it or not, you can get more clients just by putting a simple phrase on your business card.

But you’ve got to know exactly what to put on the card.

(Hint: it’s something you write on the card just before you hand it to someone.)

“It took me nine years to discover this neat little trick. In this report, you’ll learn how to use this zero-cost money-maker in just nine minutes.”

Free Bonus #4:

An Amazing Secret That Can Triple Response
To Your ‘Free Consultation’ Offers!

Many lawyers who offer free consultations are disappointed with the results. They either get too few responses, or they get too many unqualified responses (people who can’t afford to hire them or who just want to ‘pick their brains’ and get some free advice).

How would you like to triple the response to your free consultation offers and at the same time, be certain that the people who call you are ready, willing and able to sign your retainer and pay your fee?

Actually, it’s easy (when you know how). Believe me, this idea alone is worth more than the entire cost of The Toolkit. And, best of all, you’re going to learn all this absolutely free.

Free Bonus #5:

How To Use “N.M.” To Find The
Clients Who Can Make Your Rich!

The biggest mistake lawyers make in marketing their services is not targeting the right clients.

Let’s face it, some clients are better than others.

The right clients can provide you with a lifetime of steady income, a thriving practice built on referrals and repeat business, and a lifestyle that is the envy of others.

The wrong clients? They will destine you to a lifetime of mediocrity.

How can you identify the clients who are right for YOUR practice? Which characteristics should you look for? Which should you ignore?

When you read this report, you will know the answers to these vital questions. Listen. I consider the information in this report to be the single most important thing I can teach you about marketing. Don’t practice another day without it.

Order now

Okay, those are the five bonuses. Each report is a $50 value, but you can’t buy any of them. They’re not for sale. You can only get them with my $1,000-$1,500 marketing course or through this special Toolkit offer.

And listen, these reports are POWERFUL (even if I do say so myself). Any one of these reports could bring you tens of thousands of dollars in revenue. Seriously. You get all five reports, FREE when you order The Toolkit package through this web site. And again, I reserve the right to remove this offer at any time, for any reason, and without prior notice.

What’s that? This is still not good enough? You want ANOTHER bonus?! Are you kidding me!? You’re already getting The Toolkit for less than half what it’s worth, plus $250 in bonus reports, and you still want more!

Okay, okay, you win! (Lawyers!)

I’ll also send you a “Document Critique Coupon” so you can send me one of your marketing documents (letter, ad, brochure, etc.) for review.

What that means is. . .

If you have a “sick” yellow pages ad, I’ll show you how to cure it. Want to send your clients a referral letter that works? I’ll show you what to do. Need a brochure that showcases your capabilities? Don’t make the same expensive mistake most lawyers make. Send it to me first, and I’ll show you what you need to know. You can even use the coupon to have me critique your web site!

This coupon is worth $750, and so that’s like getting The Toolkit. . . for free!

Order today, and your Toolkit package and all the bonuses will be on their way to your home or office. The Toolkit will pay for itself the first time you use it. In fact, I’m so sure you’ll be delighted, I’m offering this incredible, Ten-Times-Money-Back-Guarantee: Use The Toolkit to create your own marketing document and submit it to me with your free “Document Critique Coupon.” When  you receive the critique from me and make the changes I’ve suggested. . .

. . .if you don’t earn AT LEAST $3,670 in additional fees,
you can return The Toolkit for a 100% refund!

Not only that, this 100% Money Back Guarantee is good for. . .


Let’s recap. . . $75,000 worth of advice. . . $1,090 package value. . . $250 in bonus reports, a $750 Document Critique Coupon that makes The Toolkit “almost free,” and a ONE YEAR 100% money back guarantee. . .

I don’t know what else to say. If you’re not convinced that this is an incredible deal, you need to re-read this page to find out what you’re missing. If you agree that this is one heck-of-a-deal, then order now before I come to my senses and change my mind!


David M. Ward

P.S. Remember, The Toolkit package is worth at least $1,090 and could be worth thousands to you and you get it for only $367 plus you get $1,000 in extra bonuses that could be worth thousands more!

P.P.S. One of the most valuable marketing documents for any lawyer is a press release. I’m probably crazy for doing this, but as an additional bonus, if you order within the next 24 hours, I’ll also send you a free copy of the incredible new software, Press Release-O-Matic. This amazing software tool lets you create a perfect press release in under a minute, formatted for printing or for use on your web site. No other tools or special skills needed. Just click one button and your perfect press release is created for you. It even creates perfect “cover letters” to go with your press release. It’s yours free and you can keep it even if you decide to return The Toolkit. Just check the box on the order form and Press Release-O-Matic is yours!

Order The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkitâ„¢ Internet Special!