I know you can’t but what if you could?


What if you had a new way of getting ideas, solving problems and achieving goals? What if this new way was as simple as asking yourself a simple question? What if asking this question would either give you an immediate answer or program your subconscious mind to deliver the answer overnight?

What if I shut up and tell you the question?

If you’ve read this far, you may know the question because I’ve repeated it several times: “What if?”

It’s a question that helps you look at things in a different light. Some call it “possibility thinking” because it helps you to see what’s possible and take a step towards finding the solution rather than getting stuck on the problem.

Try it right now and see what it can do. Think about something you would love to do but don’t know how or don’t think you can. Ask yourself, “What if I did know?” or “What if I could?”

You can also ask yourself how things would be different if you achieved the goal. “What if I did find my perfect mate?” “What would my life be like if I could stop working and still get paid?”

Once you’ve asked the question, let it go and let your mind go to work.

Does it work all of the time? I don’t know, but what if it did?
