Don’t ignore the bad news but don’t dwell on it, either


There is evil in the world and we must acknowledge it. But we shouldn’t let it destroy our quality of life.

So let’s change the subject. I have a question for you that I was thinking about this morning:

If you had to, could you run your practice without computers and the smart devices in your pocket? Could you do everything with just pen and paper?

When I started practicing, some lawyers had computers but most did not. Very few had mobile phones. And there was no Internet.

My office had paper files, real law books, and a land line. I did have electronic typewriters, and a copy machine, but no fax.

And we did fine.

But then we didn’t know what we were missing.

We had what we needed to do our work, and we didn’t know what the future might bring. We felt good about what we had and what we could do.

Today, we can practice law from a device that fits in our pocket. We depend on this tech and if we had to give it up and use pen and paper, knowing what we were missing, it would be difficult. And sad.

But unless we get hit with an EMP or there is a zombie apocalypse, we won’t have to give it up. God willing, we never will.

And for that, we should be thankful. We should be thankful for all of the good things in our lives, because there are a lot of them, and there are more to come.

Don’t ignore the bad news, but don’t dwell on it. Because you get what you think about, think about the good things in your life and get excited about the good things to come.
