Ten ways to earn an extra $1,000 per month


How would you like to earn an extra $1,000 per month within the next 90 days?

I chose $1,000 because that seems to be big enough to whet your whistle, but not so big that it’s out of reach. Feel free to pick a bigger number if you want to.

Now, time for some brainstorming.

Let your mind run wild and throw some ideas on paper, on a white board, or on your screen. Shoot for a minimum of ten ideas, ten different ways you could earn $1,000 a month, or more, within 90 days.

The best way to come up with ten viable ideas is to start with twenty or thirty. So keep writing as many ideas as you can.

Don’t edit or judge anything. Just write it down. Nothing is silly or impossible when you are brainstorming.

Your ideas could be related to

  • Marketing your services–a new strategy, a new market, or a new way of doing what you already do
  • Managing your firm–eliminating unnecessary expenses, lowering costs
  • Creating a new service–a new profit center, a new “front end” service that creates more clients
  • Fees, billing, and collection–charge more, get paid faster, eliminate unpaid accounts
  • Creating a new offer–a free service, a discounted service for first time clients, bonus services, service package(s)
  • Finding new referral sources and/or joint venture partners
  • Offering your clients a product or service from a joint venture partner, or as an affiliate
  • Creating a new product (ebook, course, resource guide, etc.) to use as a marketing tool and new revenue source
  • Starting a new business
  • Contacting former clients, to stimulate repeat business and referrals
  • Setting up a new website, improving your existing website
  • Getting bigger clients/cases–bigger fees, bigger retainers, clients with ongoing legal needs
  • Getting more traffic, more subscribers, more prospect inquiries
  • Closing more prospects–better sales process, overcoming objections
  • And so on

With multiple ideas, you’re more likely to find one that you’re willing to do. Or you might find two or three ideas you can do that bring in an aggregate of $1,000 a month.

90 days is a long time. Maybe too long. You might be better off looking for ideas that could start producing in the next 30 days. A shorter deadline means there’s no time to think (or procrastinate), you have to start doing.

What could you do this week that could bring you an extra $1,000 a month?

Want to get paid faster? Collect unpaid invoices? Here’s how 
